Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The question game

I saw this on Rachel Denbow's blog http://racheldenbow.blogspot.com/2010/04/my-turn.html and thought I'd give it a shot since I'm not in the mood right now to go to sleep. :)

1.) When do you feel happiest?

When I'm with people I know and love (by people, I'm including my cat Clara, since she exhibits more intelligence and personality than some people do). Having good food and a cuppa tea doesn't hurt either ;)

2.) How do you take care of yourself?

Dunno...I eat a relatively balanced diet and on the whole prefer home-cooked and healthy food to greasy fast-food. While I enjoy my wine, I don't see the point in going out to get completely trashed and putting myself in potential danger as a result. I try to walk everywhere I go, which is easy when you can't drive. I love my sleep and try not to deprive myself too much of the 8 hours or so I need to function. Water and herbal teas make me happy and hydrated. I know I need to exercise and eat more to build up muscle since I'm underweight, and I'm planning to work on that :)

3.) Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
I'd say I'm more internally motivated than externally motivated, but I do feel that I get inspired by other people's work. At university, I have to motivate myself since I can't rely on others too much, apart from my few close friends! Chocolate and yummy food help keep me on track with my work. Each day seems to be a constant battle between my proactive side and my lazy side.

4.) What do you do for fun?
Cook food, try out new recipes, read books, writing, gardening, running, swimming, hanging out with my friends and family, making a fuss of my moggy, Clara.

5.) What intimidates you?
Exams, having too much to do without being able to look after myself, talking to men I find attractive since I turn to a blithering idiot and being in loud, cramped places that I can't walk out of.

6.) What is something you're proud of?
Not having attempted suicide in 5 years, surviving school, and getting into a good university (since some of my teachers were cynical that I'd make it, it makes me the more proud that I did it). I'm also very proud of my Mum and sisters for all that they're managed to achieve even though Dad died only two years ago. Hopefully in 5 years or so, I'll have more things to be proud of.

7.) Finish this sentence. I never... will get plastic surgery to enhance myself.

8.) Favourite vacation spot?
Australia. I've only been there once, but I loved it and cannot wait to visit this beautiful country again if I'm fortunate to get the chance.
In Britain, I'd say Cornwall and the Scottish Highlands are some of the best places for going on holiday.

9.) Today is a (rate from 1-10):
About a 4 or 5. I've had a pretty 'meh' day today, hopefully tomorrow will be better :)

10.) Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know...
That I love to eat frozen peas whilst they're still frozen...that's how I roll.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

The daleks made me do it.

Rather than bore you with all the details of why I didn't post ages earlier when I had completed this project, I'm just going to say that the daleks abducted me and I've only recently been able to escape their wrath (and their plunger things) thanks to a certain 900-year old Gallfreyian. :)

Okay, I'm completely insane.

So, about six weeks ago, I finally got round to making my first page in my gorgeous new scrapbooking journal I brought way back in January. The subject? 2009. Yes, I really should have gotten this summary page done and dusted during New Year's and not in the middle of March, but there you go!
The flower detail on the journal was drawn freehand in pencil, then redone with silver and gold markers. I used the stencils I mentioned in the previous post for the text. The journal is just a sketchbook I brought from Hobbycraft :)

Last year, I became more involved in an online community I'm a proud member of, Immeritus. In March, I was lucky enough to meet up with two of the 'old' members Winky and Dragon in London, which made my month! And at around Christmas last year, I got a card from none other but Dragon, with this photo of us! Alright, it's not the most flattering one of me, but Dragon looks amazing in it!!
I fell in love with the lovely American stamps that were on the parcel from my Immy secret santa, so I just had to include them in my summary page ^-^!
Inside my little mini-book, I pritt-sticked in recipes for gingerbread and butter cookies that I received during the Immy Christmas card swap...I've tried out both of the recipes, and the results were well worth the effort!
The scalloping and letters were rather tricky to create, but eventually I managed to create an even looking border that I was and still am happy with!

I'm rather annoyed with myself for not including anything from my stay in the Netherlands with Saskia and my other lovely friends there...I feel like a total jerk for not adding in something, even a bus ticket or flight stub. Saskia, if you're reading this, I'm sorry, and will bring you lots of doughnuts with me next time I visit you!
Since I'm off university for the next three weeks and intend to as little work concerning my degree as possible (my exams are in June, after all), I'll try to post here more frequently before the revision beast attacks me once more. Love and cookies, Becca xxx