Saturday, 16 January 2010

...yup, it's still an igloo!

Well, the boiler's been relit, but is making an ominous ticking noise whenever it's on, so the landlord's agent is sending someone to service it. Despite this inconvenience, I have made something cute out of some felt, thread and a button...

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it would look fantastic as a brooch, bag decoration or hair accessory, or as a journal decoration maybe? Sorry for the poor photography...I'm not much of a photographer, and had to use a housemate's camera since I'm a fool who left her camera charger at her Mum's house.

My other housemate returned yesterday evening from Canada with this
little critter for me as a late combined Christmas and birthday present!! He knows I'm a bit mountie-obsessed because of a certain "90s TV programme that involves a mountie in Chicago, and since I asked him to bring me back my own mountie, he did the next best thing without sparking a Canadian-British conflict and being convicted for kidnapping of a Canadian police officer. ^^

The final picture is a result of me being hungry and very bored of
revising plant anatomy for my exam. I have no excuse for this,
but who wouldn't want a potato smiling up at them if they're having a bad day?

Big love from Becca the human icecube xxx

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Writings from the igloo...

Well, on Tuesday I braved the elements and travelled back to Canterbury for university, which begins again on the 18th, and now I'm stocked up on enough food to last me until my loan comes in (hurrah!). I've already being a complete muppet and let the gas meter run out (by accident, of course), so now we don't have heating until some time tomorrow when my other housemate returns from Canada, hence why the bungalow's an igloo as far as I'm concerned!

I've brought a new laptop from the insurance money today, and am trying to learn the ins and outs of windows 7...oddly enough, I miss windows vista.
I've finally decided to stop procastinating and put some photos from my Christmas break up, so voila, you lovely people get to witness my godawful photography skills first-hand! Yes, that homo sapien, dear readers, is who's lurking behind the laptop screen...consider yourselves warned. ;)

So, back home in Reading, we had snow twice during the holidays. To have snow at all in Southern England is rare enough, but to have more than a sprinkling of snow? It's pretty incredible and has a touch of the magical about it. When I was travelling back on the train from Chaucerland, I passed many fields and woodland areas covered in was as if Narnia had jumped out of the book and was all around me (That's if there were any trains in the land of Narnia)! The second bout of snow fell on the 6th, just before my 20th birthday, and we got over 6 inches (it was up to my knees in places!), so I had snow for my birthday, which was just about the best thing you can expect to happen if you have a Winter birthday! I took a couple of photos of our garden before me and my sisters donned old clothes and went boogie-boarding down the slope (we are poor girls who can't afford sledges, so we make do with boards that are meant for 'surfing' the shallows of the sea). My mum did record a video of us acting like 5 year olds, but unfortunately this was on her camera, which got stolen with the laptops, so you won't be able to witness an embarrassing family video.

Oh, and before I forget, here's a photo of the heart decoration I made, and one of this beautiful tree decoration my Mum received from some lovely people at her work.
I'm really happy with how the heart tree decoration turned out, even if it was made from a kit; I wish I have some more of the patterned fabric! I could have made a purse or something with material like that...oh well, I'll probably find some cute fabric to *squee* over before long!

The penguin tree decoration was given by my Immy secret santa...he's adorable even if it looks like he's indulged in a few too many herrings!
Looking at all these festive pictures makes me wish it was Christmastime again... if only it was! It seems too soon to be the start of term soon!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Back in the land of Chaucer and archbishops

Just a quick post to update on my current projects.
I'm currently making a calendar mostly from scratch for my nan, have completed 5/12 months so far! :) It involves pics of our family and pretty paper; I may post a few pages from it on here.
I haven't began my journal yet, which is a shame, since I need to do a summary post for last year, with some of its highlights! The cover's been decorated, so I'll post a picture of that up soon. I've also made this cute heart tree decoration (from a kit, so it's not original unfortunately!), and will upload pics of this, my journal cover and this cute penguin tree decoration tomorrow, when I'm hopefully getting my new laptop *happy dances*
On a completely irrelevant note, I watched Being Human and Glee on Monday night. George getting it on with a slutty vampire and cheating on Nina like that was a good plot point I guess, but it was rather out of character for him. And yes, I know he's all torn up inside and emo because he killed the 'big bad' of the first season, Herrick (who completely had it coming), but seriously, someone needs to slap George upside the head and knock some sense into him! I'd better stop before I blurt out any more spoilers...
After seeing the first two episodes of Glee, I cannot wait for more musical cheese!
It's still snowy and cold here...someone teleport me to Australia!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Not festive pics, but an explanation

Yesterday, me, Mum and my sisters arrived home from a day visiting my nan and uncle to find out our house had been broken into. My laptop Toshiko, my sister's laptop and my mum's camera (and possibly some money) got stolen. All my photos that I've been meaning to post on here were on that laptop, as well as a lot of personal stuff. The insurance is going to take forever to sort out, so even though our belongings were covered by Mum's policy, it could be a month or two until I have a new one, so I won't really be able to post much on this blog for a while :(
The Christmas decorations have been taken down now, and the house looks so dull. I want to go do crafty stuff now to cheer me up.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Finally, I decide to post!

A great, big hello to my friends Saskia and Nix (who I think are the only two people who currently read my blog- if you're not either of them and are reading this, leave a shoutout in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!). I am now no longer a teenager as of 9:45am yesterday morning GMT; that's right, I am now 20, which is mildly terrifying! So yes, this is my bloggy-thing where I'm meant to be posting crafty posts, ideas and updates on my projects (that's if uni and family don't take up all of my time!) I have loads of cute pictures I took of stuff at Christmas, and can't wait to sit down and put the best of them up here.
Unfortunately, I have to do some revision for my plant and animal exam, and have some post-birthday festivities lined up later today and tomorrow, but I'll have some new posts up here on Sunday! Brownie promise?!
Walking in a winter wonderland, (and throwing snowballs at unsuspecting polar bears),
Sugah/ Becca/ Becky xxx

P.S I have absolutely no idea what nickname to use for my blogging name! Any ideas? I am awful at making decisions!